National Science Quiz

Melbourne or Online , Australia

The ADSN is proud to help support the National Science Quiz! Ever since it was established in 2016, the National Science Quiz aims to celebrate science and inspire the next…

Integrated Earth 2023 Conference

Shine Dome, Canberrra

How can we better integrate data across earth systems to address complex earth systems challenges? Supported by the Australian Academy of Science, this 2-day conference aims to uncover the answers…

U.N. Datathon with the ADSN

QUT Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

What do you get when you throw a group of people together who don’t know each other, who come from different backgrounds and disciplines, and give them a tight deadline…

Data Science and Wildfire Hackathon

Melbourne Connect 700 Swanston St, Carlton, VIC, Australia

Join the Melbourne Centre for Data Science for this first of, hopefully, many, hack events focused on interdisciplinary peer-to-peer learning and discovery among individuals at various stages of their career.…

Research Bazaar (ResBaz) Queensland

The University of Queensland St Lucia, Queensland, Australia

ResBaz is a worldwide festival promoting the digital literacy at the centre of modern research. Throughout 2023, events will be held at a number of university campuses around the world.…