What’s New in the ADSN – September 2023

Deadline extended for Abstract Submissions to the 2023 ADSN Conference

  • New Abstract Submission Deadline:  Thursday, 7 September
  • ADSN Conference: Thursday & Friday, 7-8 December
  • National Wine Centre of Australia at The University of Adelaide
  • Host Organisation: Adelaide Data Science Centre

The Program Committee of the Australian Data Science Network (ADSN) 2023 Conference invites submissions of contributed abstracts in all areas of Data Science. We welcome submissions from both academia and industry.

A small number of accepted submissions will be presented as spotlight talks in the conference program and all accepted submissions will have the opportunity to be presented as posters.

 Stay tuned – registrations will be opening soon!

 Join the ADSN for this year’s U.N. Datathon 

The ADSN would like to invite you to take part in this year’s U.N. Datathon with the Australian Data Science Network.  The ADSN would like to organise multiple teams for this year’s worldwide event. Ideally, it would be great to put together teams with members from different organisations and universities.

This year’s Datathon runs the weekend of 3-6 November. We hope to get enough interest to create an ‘ADSN Satellite Datathon’ event in Australia where teams could come together.

 If interested, would you please complete this expression of interest form before 14 September. It will take less than two minutes to complete.  Please encourage your colleagues to join us as well.

Data-Intensive Research: Exploring the Grand Challenges

  • Monday, 4 September: 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm AEST
  • Blackbox Theatre, Science Gallery Melbourne

Join in on this lively discussion co-hosted by Melbourne Data Analytics Platform, Melbourne Centre for Data Science, Centre for AI and Digital Ethics, and Centre for Digital Transformation of Health as part of Melbourne Connect Innovation Week. Dive into the world of data-intensive research as senior academics present a series of grand challenges that will shape the future of data science. 

Seminar Series – ARC Training Centre in Data Analytics for Resources and Environments (DARE)

  • 5 September: Trees Near Me NSW & NSW Wildlife Drone Hub – Speaker: Dr Adam Roff, NSW Department of Planning and Environment
  • 19 September: Teaching Computers How to See Rocks – Using Computer Vision Models to Extract Visual Datasets from Geological Images – Speaker: Brenton Crawford, Datarock

Integrated Earth 2023

  • 12-13 September
  • The Shine Dome, Canberra

ARDC, TERN, NCI, AuScope, ACCESS-NRI and IMOS are partnering to host the Australian Academy of Science Elizabeth and Frederick White Research Conference. This 2-day symposium will bring together researchers, scientists, and STEM professionals working across the 5 Earth systems: geosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, to address complex environmental challenges. 

RSE Asia Australia Unconference

You are invited to join the second online Research Software Engineer (RSE) Asia Australia Unconference from the 13th to the 15th of September 2023. This is a joint partnership between the RSE Asia Association and the RSE Association of Australia and New Zealand. The theme for this year is “Silos to Synergy – Achieving collaboration across domains”. The unconference will run online over three half-days from 1pm to 5pm AEST. 

Monash AIMday 2023 – Maths & AI Meet Industry

  • 10 November – 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Monash University

AIMday provides an opportunity for a diverse group of academics to connect with organisations and help solve real-world problems. If your organisation has a challenging Maths/AI-related problem, join us for AIMday at Monash University on 10th November 2023. 

2nd Bayesian Nonparametric Networking Workshop

  • 4-8 December
  • Monash University

We are pleased to announce the 2nd Bayesian Nonparametric Networking workshop. The format will largely follow the first of these new BNP Networking workshops that was held in Nicosia (Cyprus) in April 2022, this time with 3 mini-courses delivered by Jim Griffin, Athanasios Kottas and Stephanie van der Pas, who will also deliver Keynote talks. The workshop will also feature invited talks, contributed talks and a poster session each featuring a range of different topics presented by a blend of both junior and established researchers. 

Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) & Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics (OZCOTS) 2023

  • 10-15 December
  • Wollongong, NSW

Hosted by the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA), this week-long conference covers both new developments and interesting applications of statistical methods. The theme for 2023 is ‘Statisticians in society’. The last two days overlap with OZCOTS, providing a great opportunity to dip into the teaching of statistics. The week begins with three outstanding workshops on Sunday, 10 December:

  • Essential Skills for Statistical Communication
  • Statistical Consultancy – The Essentials for Getting Started and Ongoing Success
  • Deep Statistics for More Rigorous and Efficient Data Science

Job opportunities (listed by closing date – earliest to latest)

Can also be found on our website: https://www.australiandatascience.net/careers/

📌 Australian Institute of Machine Learning (AIML)

📌 The University of Adelaide Centre for Clinical Epidemiology (Adelaide EpiCentre)

📌 The University of Sydney



📌 The University of Adelaide: Four openings in Computer Science – All are full-time, continuing positions – All close on 18 September:

📌 The University of Melbourne

Other Opportunities

Indigenous Internship (Indigenous Data Network) – ARDC

  • Melbourne
  • Closes 13 September

PhD, Masters and Honours projects with MedTech.AI – Supported by CSIRO’s Data 61, the program brings a multidisciplinary team of experts in AI, computer vision, genomics, proteomics, therapeutics, bioinformatics, information systems, health informatics, and evidence-based medicine at UNSW, UTS, and Macquarie University, with strong support from industry partners to train a cohort of HDR students in developing innovative AI-driven medical technologies aligned with industry priorities. Applications are open for students in PhD, master’s and Honours courses for T1, 2024. Contact Liam Ruz (Program Coordinator) at [email protected] if you require further information.

Latest ABS stats show national investment in R&D has fallen again – Australian Academy of Science

Widespread Use of Cloud Computing Revealed by National Researcher Survey – ARDC

Study highlights pre-school regional divide and influence on child’s development – QUT Centre for Data Science

Looking for a Podcast about Data Science, Maths & Stats?

The Australian Data Science Network is a proud partner in The Random Sample podcast. The Random Sample takes you inside the data and mathematical sciences and introduces you to some of the people involved, explores the work they’re doing, and the impact it’s having. To listen, just search for The Random Sample wherever you get your podcasts, or head to the podcast website. Also, if you have any ideas for podcast episodes or would like to get involved, please contact Tim Macuga.

Our latest episode explores how the data and mathematical sciences are critical in identifying and tracking how misinformation and disinformation spreads on social media.

Do you have an exciting news story, interesting opportunity, or upcoming event that you would like featured in one of our newsletters or ADSN Alerts? Please contact us to share your suggested content for consideration in the next ADSN communication piece. Make sure you’re following the ADSN on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay in the loop with the latest news, events and opportunities.