What’s New in the ADSN – August 2023

Submit an abstract for the 2023 ADSN Conference
- Thursday & Friday, 7-8 December
- National Wine Centre of Australia at The University of Adelaide
- Host Organisation: Adelaide Data Science Centre
The Program Committee of the Australian Data Science Network (ADSN) 2023 Conference invites submissions of contributed abstracts in all areas of Data Science. We welcome submissions from both academia and industry.
A small number of accepted submissions will be presented as spotlight talks in the conference program and all accepted submissions will have the opportunity to be presented as posters.
Abstract submissions close on 31 August.
Also – please save the dates now. We will let you know when the program has been finalised and registration is open.
Welcome to the ADSN
The ADSN would like to welcome a new partner organisation: The Curtin Institute for Data Science.
The Curtin Institute for Data Science is an interdisciplinary knowledge accelerator established in 2016 to meet increasing demand for data science across disciplines. Its aim is to apply data science and high-performance computing to provide innovative solutions to the real-world problems of government, industry, and academia.
Events Across the ADSN
Doing an Ultrasound Scan of the Sun with AI
- 3 August, 4 – 5 pm AEST
- Monash University
This lecture is part of the Monash Conversations on AI and Data Science series, which focuses on the impactful AI/data science research being done by Monash University researchers. The series is run by the Monash Data Futures Institute. The guest speaker is Dr Alina Donea from the School of Mathematics at Monash University.
Machine Learning with Python
- 5-6 August
- Online
This two-day workshop aims to enable data scientists to incrementally incorporate Python in their workflow. After an introduction of Python basics, the workshop focuses on developing Python models in a workflow framework that is most commonly seen in a production environment. Participants will benefit from a gentle introduction to Python on the first day before learning some powerful modelling concepts and tools on the second day.
Seminar Series from the ARC Training Centre in Data Analytics for Resources & Environments (DARE)
Join DARE’s Seminar Series to hear from experts about applications of statistical and data science methods to DARE’s core domains – water, minerals, and biodiversity. The Seminars run every fortnight on Tuesdays.
- Upcoming seminars on 8 August & 22 August
8 August: How Machine Learning Can Cut the Cost of Downscaling Evapotranspiration- Speaker: Dr Sanaa Hobeichi, UNSW
22 August: Continent-Scale Groundwater Models: Constraining Flow Pathways Across Eastern Australia – Speaker: Dr Ben Mather, The University of Sydney
University of Wollongong 2023 Data Science & Statistics Lecture: Prof. Antonietta Mira
- 16 August: 11:30 am – 1 pm AEST
- University of Wollongong
- TITLE: Data Science for Public Health: Risk mapping of out of hospital cardiac arrest and the optimal deployment of defibrillators
The annual Data Science and Statistics Lecture showcases the interdisciplinarity and key role that statistics in data science plays in extracting scientific knowledge from data in the presence of uncertainty. This year’s featured lecturer is Antonietta Mira, Professor of Statistics and Director of the Data Science Lab, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland, and Professor of Statistics, Insubria University, Como, Italy.
Integrated Earth 2023
- 12-13 September
- The Shine Dome, Canberra
ARDC, TERN, NCI, AuScope, ACCESS-NRI and IMOS are partnering to host the Australian Academy of Science Elizabeth and Frederick White Research Conference. This 2-day symposium will bring together researchers, scientists, and STEM professionals working across the 5 Earth systems: geosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, to address complex environmental challenges.
2nd Bayesian Nonparametric Networking Workshop
- 4-8 December
- Monash University
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Bayesian Nonparametric Networking workshop. The format will largely follow the first of these new BNP Networking workshops that was held in Nicosia (Cyprus) in April 2022, this time with 3 mini-courses delivered by Jim Griffin, Athanasios Kottas and Stephanie van der Pas, who will also deliver Keynote talks. The workshop will also feature invited talks, contributed talks and a poster session each featuring a range of different topics presented by a blend of both junior and established researchers.
Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) & Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics (OZCOTS) 2023
- 10-15 December
- Wollongong, NSW
Hosted by the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA), this week-long conference covers both new developments and interesting applications of statistical methods. The theme for 2023 is ‘Statisticians in society’. The last two days overlap with OZCOTS, providing a great opportunity to dip into the teaching of statistics. The week begins with three outstanding workshops on Sunday, 10 December:
- Essential Skills for Statistical Communication
- Statistical Consultancy – The Essentials for Getting Started and Ongoing Success
- Deep Statistics for More Rigorous and Efficient Data Science
You can find our Jobs Board at https://www.australiandatascience.net/careers/
📌 The University of Queensland
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer | Continuing Position – Closes 3 August
📌 The University of New England
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Data Science | Continuing Position – Closes 6 August
📌 Monash Data Futures Institute
- Associate Professor/Professor of Practice | Fixed-term, 12 months – Closes 7 August
📌 South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)
- Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow | Fixed-term, 3 years – Closes 11 August
📌 The University of Sydney
- Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics | Continuing Appointment – Closes 19 August
📌 CSIRO Data 61
- Research Fellowship in Fairness Research in Machine Learning (FairML) | Fixed term, 3 years – Closes 31 August
- Research Fellowship in Machine Learning for Additive Manufacturing Process Control | Fixed term, 3 years – Closes 15 August
Looking for a podcast about Data Science, Maths & Stats?
Season 8 of The Random Sample is here!
The ADSN is a proud partner in “The Random Sample” podcast. The Random Sample takes you inside the data and mathematical sciences and introduces you to some of the people involved, explores the work they’re doing, and the impact it’s having. To listen, just search for The Random Sample wherever you get your podcasts, or head to the podcast website. Please subscribe for free so new episodes just drop into your pod feed every two weeks. Also, if you have any ideas for podcast episodes or would like to get involved, please contact Tim Macuga.
- Episode 83 – Industry PhDs (coming out tomorrow)
- Episode 82 – On the Road at the ISI World Statistics Congress
Episode 81 – Open-sourcing Data Science Education with Professor Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
The ADSN is a proud sponsor of the 2023 National Science Quiz
Ever since it was established in 2016, the National Science Quiz aims to celebrate science and inspire the next generation of Aussie scientists.
Hosted by Charlie Pickering, two teams of Australia’s leading scientific minds will battle it out… the winning team leaving victorious and the losing team slimed live-on-stage!
In the audience and around the country, thousands join in to play along with the quiz and compete for cash prizes, trophies and the honour of calling themselves National Science Quiz Champions!
- Sunday 27 August @ 3:30 pm AEST
- In person: The Capitol, Melbourne – BOOK TICKETS (free for under 18’s)
- Online – streamed on YouTube – REGISTER to watch or play
- School Team Prize: $1,000
- Live Audience Prize: $500
- Online Prize: $250
Make plans to catch the quiz in-person or online and play along!
📲 Maths model aims to cut elective surgery waiting lists – QUT Centre for Data Science
📲 Shaping Research Software: An Interview with Matthew Sainsbury-Dale and Andrew Zammit-Mangion – ARDC
On video
🖥️ AMSI Winter School Public Lecture
- How mathematics can inform policy – or not – Professor Hugh Possingham, The University of Queensland
🖥️ QUT Centre for Data Science Public Lecture
- Data Science Meets Life Science: Some Success Stories – Professor Antonietta Mira
Applications now open for exciting HDR Opportunity
Applications are now open for The Next Generation Graduates Program – AI-enabled Medical Technologies: From Diagnostics to Therapeutics. The program is supported by CSIRO’s Data 61 and has been developed by UNSW Associate Professor Fatemeh Vafaee (UNSW Data Science Hub). At the core of this revolution is the development of data-driven technologies, in particular artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, to interpret and integrate the vast amount of data generated at individual and population levels to address diverse challenges confronting patients, clinicians, and healthcare systems.
The program brings a multidisciplinary team of experts in AI, computer vision, genomics, proteomics, therapeutics, bioinformatics, information systems, health informatics, and evidence-based medicine at UNSW, UTS, and Macquarie University, with strong support from industry partners to train a cohort of HDR students in developing innovative AI-driven medical technologies aligned with industry priorities.
For more information about this program, visit website https://www.med-tech.ai/.
Contact Liam Ruz (Program Coordinator) at [email protected] if you require further information or assistance with your application.
Do you have an exciting news story, interesting opportunity, or upcoming event that you would like featured in one of our newsletters or ADSN Alerts? Please contact us to share your suggested content for consideration in the next ADSN communication piece.