Meet Australia's Rising WiDS Stars! (WiDS=Women in Data Science)
It's been said, "you can't be what you can't see".
As part of International Women's Day and Women in Data Science (WiDS) Day, the ADSN decided it was important that you see some of Australia's Rising Stars in Data Science.
We hope they will inspire the next generation of young Data Scientists and show there is a place for gender diversity, equity, and inclusion in this space.
For five hours, we featured 25 different Data Scientists from all over the country. We recorded their talks and you can see each one individually.
Just click on the profile pictures below to see the videos of the talks.

More about our speakers (listed alphabetically):
- Dr Morenikeji Deborah Akinlotan: Research Fellow, QUT Centre for Data Science
- Dr Shibani Antonette: Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney
- Dr Susan Benson, CF: Infectious Diseases Physician, Clinical Microbiologist, PhD Candidate, Curtin University
- Adriana-Eufrosina Bora: PhD Candidate, QUT Centre for Data Science
- Rose Crocker: Quantitative Decision Scientist, Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Dr Khue-Dung (KD) Dang: Lecturer, The University of Melbourne
- Dr Anurika De Silva: Biostatistician, The University of Melbourne
- Dr Dakshi Kapugama Geeganage: Data Specialist, Queensland Children's Hospital
- Isabelle Greco: Master's Student, UNSW
- Cynthia Huang: PhD Candidate at Monash University
- Dr Farzana Jahan: Lecturer, Murdoch University
- Dr Anna Kalenkova: Lecturer, The University of Adelaide
- Abir (Abby) Khazaal: PhD candidate, UNSW School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences (BABS), UNSW Data Science Hub (uDASH)
- Dr Catherine Kim: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, QUT
- Aline Kunnel: Biostatistician, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute
- Dr Jessica Leung: Lecturer, Monash University
- Dr Patricia Menéndez: Senior Lecturer, Monash University
- Dr Sahani Pathiraja: Lecturer, UNSW Data Science Hub
- Eve Slavich: Statistical Consultant, UNSW
- Amy Stringer: Computational Biologist, WearOptimo
- Dr Firouzeh Taghikhah: Lecturer, Sydney University
- Dr Anikó Tóth: Research Fellow, UNSW Data Science Hub
- Sarah Vollert: PhD Candidate, QUT Centre for Data Science
- Dr Xiaoqian Wang: Research Fellow, Monash University
- Dr Rushani Wijesuriya: Research Officer, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Event Moderator

Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen
Director, QUT Centre for Data Science
ADSN WiDS Ambassador

Tim Macuga
Senior Project Officer
- QUT Centre for Data Science
- Australian Data Science Network
WiDS @ Australian Data Science Network is an independent event that is organized by the Australian Data Science Network as part of the annual WiDS Worldwide conference, the WiDS Datathon, and an estimated 200 WiDS Regional Events worldwide. Everyone is invited to attend all WiDS conference and WiDS Datathon Workshop events which feature outstanding women doing outstanding work.